Feng Shui: Renew your Space, Renew your Life

Feng Shuiis an ancient Chinese practice that seeks to harmonize spaces to promote positive energy and the well-being of those who inhabit them. It is based on the arrangement of objects and decoration to improve the quality of life and health. At Tikal Muebles, we understand the importance of a harmonious environment, which is why we offer custom-made furniture that adapts perfectly to your needs and tastes.

Feng Shui works with the flow of vital energy, known as “chi”, to create balanced environments. One of the key principles is the harmonization of natural elements and the correct orientation of furniture. Symmetry and the elimination of clutter are essential to allow energy to flow freely, promoting health, prosperity and well-being.

Some basic concepts of Feng Shui include the use of the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) and the importance of natural light and fresh air. Incorporating healthy plants, strategically placed mirrors and specific colors can balance the energy of your home or workplace.

At Tikal Muebles, in the heart of Európolis, Las Rozas, we design custom-made furniture and sofas that integrate these principles, helping you to create a space that reflects tranquility and balance. Keeping the main entrance unobstructed and well lit is essential, as it is the entry point for Qi. Mirrors should reflect light and space without being in front of the main door, so as not to repel positive Qi.

Healthy plants promote vitality, while moving water sources, such as aquariums, activate prosperity. Implementing Feng Shui can be gradual; small changes, such as tidying up and maintaining cleanliness, make a big difference.

A tidy and clean home prevents chaos in your mind and reduces stress. At Tikal Muebles, we are here to help you create that harmonious environment with our custom furniture. Visit us in Las Rozas and discover how our furniture can transform your life with the magic of Feng Shui.